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The Captain's log

Find the latest information about significant shop changes, opening times, updates, moves, convention announcements, or about new products in this public mini-blog.


Yaa Black Cloud Logo Launch party


???.2023: Brand new Wix shop opens


Come in; we're all set to pick up selling again!

I'm done with the new storefront.


Again, this took me longer than I wanted, but I hope the moving effort and new e-commerce platform purchases were worth it because the paperwork should be getting more accessible from here.


Also, I can now calculate the shipping costs from the product weight instead of the total value, which is essential for my big and heavy books.


I reduced the available products to mainly focus on selling books and hopefully not get too overwhelmed.


There are digital products (E-books) now. You can buy the CRUSH3D!! volumes as download PDFs. As it's already a free webcomic, I don't think this will be a popular option, but if you want to receive the book's bonus content but don't have space for physical copies, you can support me a bit through that!


Aaaand CRUSH3D!! volume 2 arrived fresh from the printer.

The second volume (as well as the second print run of volume 1) turned out much prettier than volume 1, and they are entirely paint-scent-free because they are done with digital printing now.

I'm still sad and sorry that I couldn't provide the first buyers with the same lovely quality in the first place, but doing full-color printing was a first for me as well, and it's a constant learning curve. But now I'm pretty pleased with the result.


I still have enough of the first edition, but I will no longer sell them for now. I think I will save them and offer the "lower print quality" for a reduced price, as soon as I can. But because of German price-binding laws for books, I still need to wait a year for that.

Yaa Black Cloud Logo sleep 3D


18.03.2023: Moving from Jimdo to Wix

Jimdo as a selling platform has some disadvantages for my purposes. So I decided to not re-open my shop there, even tho I already paid for 2023 upfront, lol. Instead, I thought I'd use the break to move to a different storefront behind the scenes because there are no sales or active businesses I need to pause now anyway.


I am trying to copy a lot of the contents from my old store, so I will keep the old logs from Jimdo below, and try to achieve a similar shop look. I hope I can also move the old domain, so it's not completely confusing for customers who come back, but we will see. The set up will still take a while, so I'm not announcing anything public yet and hope to be done once CRUSH3D!! volume 2 is ready to be released.

Yaa Black Cloud Logo sleep


01.10.2022 - ????: A break from business

​Because of a move to a new flat and having to pack everything away, and not wanting to reprint stock during the current paper price hike, I will take the shop offline for approximately until the end of the year. I am not sure of the exact returning date, but at the latest, I'll be back for the release of CRUSH3D!! volume 2 sometime in 2023.

The storefront will remain online, so you can check item details or contact me about issues with orders, but I will delete all the available products, so nothing can be ordered.

In the meantime, you can still get my books from the FreibeuterShop or KwimbiShop if they are in stock.

Deutsche German Post Logo


05.08.2022: New postal rates

The new shipping prices are implied, some had to be raised, some could be lowered a bit and international orders are possible again! Thank you for your patience!

Deutsche German Post Logo


28.06.2022 - ????: Limited Shipping

Customers from inside Germany can still order, but international shipping is pausing from today until new postal shipping rules are established.

Dokomi Logo Düsseldorf 2022


Booth Number: G15

If you are attending the Dokomi 2022, Germany's biggest Anime &Japan Expo, in Düsseldorf  4. - 5. June, you can drop by my booth and get all of my stuff without having to pay for shipping. You can find me in the middle of Hall 3 - Row G - Booth 15, sharing a regular artist table with Anne Atsusa with whom I'm also releasing the second volume of our light novel "Sweet! Sweat! Swoop!" with the Austrian publisher Catmint.

Deutsche German Post Logo


Until 25th June 2022

If you're a resident of non-EU countries and are thinking about ordering something from me, I'd recommend doing it until 25th June 2022, because shipping prices will increase drastically in July. The German post office gives away its international product shipping to DHL and an example base price of sending my thickest book for 9€ could go up to 16€ after that change. I will probably close orders for a short time after that date, to build in and fully grasp the changes.

Yaa Black Cloud Logo Launch party


16.05.22: Welcome Everyone!

Yay, the doors are officially open now and I'm doing a bit of promo on my Twitter and webcomic sites Tapas & Webtoon to spread the news! Please come in, look around and I hope you like something!

Yaa Black Cloud Logo sparkle


14.05.22: Just for Patrons

The shop is live but no one knows about it yet. Patrons get a private invitation, so you can be the first to look around for a few days, and place your orders in front of the line for me to handle immediately!

Kwimbi Comic Webshop Logo


12.05.22 - Comic Webshop

I made my first new comic reseller deal and gave a few CRUSH3D!! books to Kwimbi, a German comic webshop. You can get it from there now, when you like their interface or quicker shipping times, and also comb through a lot of other indie works that might pique your interest.

Yaa Black Cloud Logo


02.05.22 - Working on the shop

After not being in the online store or convention business for years, I'm very excited to soon present the new site that I'm working on.   

Other than the freshly released first English print volume of CRUSH3D!!, you can find the two current volumes of Java Bonds in German and a selection of art prints, notepads, tote bags, and other stuff in the shop. New products will hopefully be implemented in time!  


I hope interest in my new book will be there and I'm trying my best to keep the upper hand over the organization. But please keep in mind, that I'm a 1-person-show and you are getting everything from the stories, art, production, and shipping out of my personal hands, so my processing times are set up longer. Thanks for any support and your patience in advance! Please check the FAQ for any given questions!

Yaa Black Cloud Logo sleep


01.05.22: Patreon Goodie Mails

In case you see my products on social media before I even opened the store, it's because they are part of the recent reward for my highest-tier Patreon supporters. I am busy sending out a lot of CRUSH3D!! books, so hopefully that is a good practice for handling real orders later.

© 2023 Nana YAA Kyere

My art may not be reposted or commercially used without my permission

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